Frequently Asked Questions

 All the commonly asked questions and answers are listed below. Naturally, we expect this page to grow as time moves on, but this is the best place to start if you do have a question.

If you do not find your answer here then please do get in touch by email

Q. Who owns Vale Road ?
A. Good question!  For the most part, nobody knows.  Ownership seems to have been lost in the mists of the 20th century.  That’s the main reason we are here.  We could probably claim legal ownership of the road.  But that would be fraught also with legal responsibilties.  However,  we may look at the possibility of claiming a legal right of way along it.  For addition to all property deeds.

Q. Who runs the company ?
A. Ultimately, TQRM is controlled by its members, as a body. Operations are managed by the directors and volunteer support staff. But at the end of the day, the members are in charge and the directors report to all of the members at an AGM, annual general meeting, which is held usually in Autumn. See also About Us.

Q. Who decides what works are to be carried out ?
A. The directors. Possible works (potholes and projects) are discussed and agreed at their periodic meetings. These are public meetings and all residents and business unit holders are welcome to attend, and may request specific issues to be added to the meetings agenda.

Q. Can anyone be a TQRM member ?
A. Yes, but there can only be one member representing each residential and business ‘unit’ and they must live/work in that unit. In many cases, there will of course be more than one resident/business person occupying any particular unit. However, they can only have one member to represent their agreed views.

Q. Can anyone be a director ?
A. Only a member can become a director.

Q. Why don’t you just mend potholes ?
A. Several members have posed this question. It would certainly be a perfectly reasonable strategy, especially since for a long time, there was no strategy at all! – in the years after the closure of the Quarry by its last quarrying owners (ARC) back in 1982. However, the present directors feel that there is more to life than just pothole filling and that our village can perhaps move on from the days when the Quarry ruled all and a ‘no frills’ stretch of bleak tarmac would do the job. We are talking environment here. Let’s see what we can make happen!

Q. Who decides what is the annual contribution ?
A. The directors.  The contribution amount will vary, depending on what essential works are needed and also what larger projects are contemplated. However, the annual amount is approved by majority of those members attending the AGM.  For the years 2016 to 2023 the annual requested contribution has been kept at £50 per residential unit and £100 per business unit.  We hope this is proving to be good value for money.  However of course this amount has to be reviewed every year in the light of the above.  

Q. What happens if I do not make any contribution ?
A. Nothing. From a legal perspective, there might be a fine and very expensive court case, which (we are advised) would confirm that all residents and businesses really should proportionately share the cost of maintaining their local (unadopted) road network. But life is too short for that. We just hope that most, if not all, of our local population will chip in what they can and/or do what they can to help.

Q. How do I make a complaint ?
A. We welcome any complaints and hope to resolve them pretty quickly. In the first instance, please speak to a director or contact us on

Q. Who are the directors ?
As at 1st September 2023:-

Jane Martindale. 12 Glenderamackin Terrace
Peter Thurrell. 8 Glenderamackin Terrace.
Richard Siddall. 4 Blencathra View.
Rosemary Vidler. 11 Blencathra View.
Ian Hartland. Threlkeld Quarry and Mining Museum.
Bill Graham. Britains Energy Coast, representing the Blencathra Business Centre.
Helen Lancaster. Representing the LDNPA.

It’s not technical! A stout heart is all that is required. If you think you might be able to help, please do get in touch.