About Us


TQRM is a limited company.

It exists as a legal entity in its own right.
It has a legally binding constitution and articles, which govern how the company must be run.
We submit annual returns and financial accounts to both Companies House and HMRC.
Copies of all the above documents can be downloaded from our Company Archives page.

The company is ultimately controlled by a group of people who are the registered members of the company.
There can only be one member for each residential or business unit.
There is no membership joining fee. Members are required only to formally guarantee the sum of £1 in the event that the company should ever be declared insolvent.
We very much welcome all new members. Please apply via info@tqrm.org.uk.

The company is managed by an unspecified (variable) number of directors, who must all be members.
One of the directors acts as chairman of any formal meeting, but there is no “person of significant control or influence” amongst the directors, as defined by Companies House law.
In other words, all directors have equal status.

None of the directors receive any remuneration.

As well as the company directors, there are also ‘non-executive’ volunteers who attend directors meetings, contribute to discussions and provide valuable administrative support as and when needed. Again, we welcome assistance from anyone who feels they can contribute to company activities (with or without becoming a director or even a company member). Please get in touch if you would like to get involved. But please note that only company members can vote on official decisions.

The directors meet approximately four times per year. These are public meetings, open to any resident or business unit representative who wishes to attend.

The scheduled dates and times of all our meetings are posted on the Welcome page, not less than 21 days days in advance.

Anyone wishing to raise an item for discussion on the next meeting agenda must supply details not less than seven days beforehand, via our email link.